computes the Cohen's d (noted $d_p$) and its confidence interval in
either within-subject, between-subject design and single-group design. For
the between-subject design, MBESS already has an implementation based on the
"pivotal" method but the present method is faster,
using the method based on the Lambda prime
distribution l07CohensdpLibrary. See
Cohensdp(statistics, design, gamma, method )
a list of pre-computed statistics. The statistics to provide
depend on the design:
- for "between": m1
, m2
the means of the two groups,
, s2
the standard deviation of the two groups,
and n1
, n2
, the sample sizes of the two groups;
- for "within": m1
, m2
, s1
, s2
, n
, and
or rho
the correlation between the measure;
- for "single": m
, s
, n
and m0
the reference mean
from which m
is standardized).
the design of the measures ("within"
, "between"
, or "single"
the confidence level of the confidence interval (default 0.95)
In "within"-subject design only, choose among methods "piCI"
, or
(default), "alginakeselman2003"
, "morris2000"
, and
The Cohen's $d_p$ statistic and its confidence interval. The return value is internally a dpObject which can be displayed with print, explain or summary/summarize.
This function uses the exact method in "single"-group and "between"-subject designs. In "within"-subject design, the default is the adjusted Lambda prime confidence interval ("adjustedlambdaprime") which is based on an approximate method. This method is described in c22b;textualCohensdpLibrary. Other methods are available, described in m00,ak03,CG057-1,f22;textualCohensdpLibrary
# example in which the means are 114 vs. 101 with sds of 14.3 and 12.5 respectively
Cohensdp( statistics = list( m1= 101, m2= 114, s1= 12.5, s2= 14.3, n1= 12, n2= 12 ),
design = "between")
#> [1] -1.8074058 -0.9679684 -0.1090564
# example in a repeated-measure design
Cohensdp(statistics =list( m1= 101, m2= 114, s1= 12.5, s2= 14.3, n= 12, rho= 0.53 ),
design ="within" )
#> [1] -1.5938740 -0.9679684 -0.3245811
# example with a single-group design where mu is a population parameter
Cohensdp( statistics = list( m = 101, m0 = 114, s = 12.5, n = 10 ),
design = "single")
#> [1] -1.8019885 -1.0400000 -0.2424991
# The results can be displayed in three modes
res <- Cohensdp( statistics = list( m = 101, m0 = 114, s = 12.5, n = 10),
design = "single")
# a raw result of the Cohen's d_p and its confidence interval
#> [1] -1.8019885 -1.0400000 -0.2424991
# a human-readable output
summarize( res )
#> Cohen's dp = -1.040
#> 95.0% Confidence interval = [-1.802, -0.242]
# ... and a human-readable ouptut with additional explanations.
explain( res )
#> Cohen's dp = -1.040
#> sample mean 101.000 is compared to assumed mean 114.000
#> sample standard deviation 12.500 is the denominator
#> 95.0% Confidence interval = [-1.802, -0.242]
#> *: confidence interval obtained from the lambda-prime method with 9 degrees of freedom (Lecoutre, 2007, Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods)
# example in a repeated-measure design with a different method than piCI
Cohensdp(statistics =list( m1= 101, m2= 114, s1= 12.5, s2= 14.3, n= 12, r= 0.53 ),
design ="within", method = "adjustedlambdaprime")
#> [1] -1.5901574 -0.9679684 -0.2726974