Computing Cohen's d_p in any experimental designs (between-subject, within-subject, and single-group design). Cousineau (2022) <>; Cohen (1969, ISBN: 0-8058-0283-5).


CohensdpLibrary is a library that computes the Cohen's $d_p$ along with confidence intervals. Its main contribution is to allow confidence intervals in the repeated-measure designs. The main function is

Cohensdp( statistics = list(...), design, gamma, method )

see help(Cohensdp) for more on this function

It also provides functions Hedgesgp( statistics = list(...), design, method ) for an unbiased Cohen's dp and J( statistics = list(...), design ) to get the correction factor used in un-biasing dp.

Subsidiary functions are plprime(x, nu, ncp) cumulative probability of the lambda prime distribution with parameters nu, ncp dlprime(x, nu, ncp) density qlprime(x, nu, ncp) quantile

pkprime(x, nu1, nu2, ncp) cumulative probability of the K prime distribution with parameters nu1, nu2, ncp dkprime(x, nu1, nu2, ncp) density qkprime(x, nu1, nu2, ncp) quantile

These functions are implemented from the FORTRAN source of Poitevineau & Lecoutre, 2010. Note that the library sadists also has implementations for these two distributions. However, the sadists::kprime distribution is inaccurate for small nu1 or small nu2.


Maintainer: Denis Cousineau (Developer)

Other contributors:

  • Douglas Fitts [contributor]