The data, taken from Landis et al. (2013)
, is a dataset where the
participants (n = 553) are classified according to two factors,
first, how modalities of care in a family
medicine residency program were given. The possible cases were Collocated Behavioral Health service
(CBH), a Primary-Care Behavioral Health service
(PBH) and a Blended Model
Second, how a patient’s care was financed:
(MC), Medicaid
(MA), a mix of Medicare/Medicaid
(MC/MA), Personal insurance
(PI), or Self-paid
($P). This
design therefore has 5 x 3 = 15 cells. It was thoroughly examined
in (Sharpe 2015)
and analyzed in (Laurencelle and Cousineau 2023)
An object of class data.frame.
Landis SE, Barrett M, Galvin SL (2013).
“Effects of different models of integrated collaborative care in a family medicine residency program.”
Families, Systems and Health, 31, 264–273.
Laurencelle L, Cousineau D (2023).
“Analysis of frequency tables: The ANOFA framework.”
The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 19, 173--193.
Sharpe D (2015).
“Chi-square test is statistically significant: Now what?”
Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, 20(1), 8.
# running the anofa
L <- anofa( obsfreq ~ provider * program, LandisBarrettGalvin2013)
# getting a plot
# the G table shows a significant interaction
#> G df Gcorrected pvalue etasq
#> Total 533.19 14 NA NA NA
#> provider 206.57 4 206.20 0.00000 0.2720
#> program 307.77 2 307.40 0.00000 0.3576
#> provider:program 18.85 8 18.69 0.01662 0.4909
# getting the simple effect
e <- emFrequencies(L, ~ program | provider )
## Getting some contrast by provider (i.e., on e)
f <- contrastFrequencies(e, list(
"(PBH & CBH) vs. BM"=c(1,1,-2)/2,
"PBH vs. CBH"=c(1,-1,0))