The function suberbToWide() is an extension to Navarro's WideToLong function with ample checks to make sure all is legit, so that the data is suitably organized for suberb. See (Cousineau et al. 2021) for more. Other techniques are available to transform long to wide, but many asked for it within superb.

  id = NULL,
  BSFactors = NULL,
  WSFactors = NULL,
  variable = NULL



Dataframe in long format


A column with unique identifiers per subject


The name(s) of the between-subject factor(s) as string(s)


The name(s) of the within-subject factor(s) as string(s)


The dependent variable as string


A wide-format data frame ready for superbPlot() or superbData(). All other variables will be erased.


Cousineau D, Goulet M, Harding B (2021). “Summary plots with adjusted error bars: The superb framework with an implementation in R.” Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 4, 1--18. doi:10.1177/25152459211035109 .



# Example using the built-in dataframe Orange. 
superbToWide(Orange, id = "Tree", WSFactors = c("age"), variable = "circumference") 
#>   Tree circumference.118 circumference.484 circumference.664 circumference.1004
#> 1    3                30                51                75                108
#> 2    1                30                58                87                115
#> 3    5                30                49                81                125
#> 4    2                33                69               111                156
#> 5    4                32                62               112                167
#>   circumference.1231 circumference.1372 circumference.1582
#> 1                115                139                140
#> 2                120                142                145
#> 3                142                174                177
#> 4                172                203                203
#> 5                179                209                214

# Optional: change column names to shorten "circumference" to "DV"
names(Orange) <- c("Tree","age","DV")
# turn the data into a wide format
Orange.wide <- superbToWide(Orange, id = "Tree", WSFactors = c("age"), variable = "DV") 

# Makes the plots two different way:
p1=superbPlot( Orange.wide, WSFactors = "age(7)",
  variables = c("DV.118","DV.484","DV.664","DV.1004","DV.1231","DV.1372","DV.1582"),
  adjustments = list(purpose = "difference", decorrelation = "none")
) + 
  xlab("Age level") + ylab("Trunk diameter (mm)") +
  coord_cartesian( ylim = c(0,250) ) + labs(title="Basic confidence intervals")

p2=superbPlot( Orange.wide, WSFactors = "age(7)",
  variables = c("DV.118","DV.484","DV.664","DV.1004","DV.1231","DV.1372","DV.1582"),
  adjustments = list(purpose = "difference", decorrelation = "CA")
) + 
  xlab("Age level") + ylab("Trunk diameter (mm)") +
  coord_cartesian( ylim = c(0,250) ) + labs(title="Decorrelated confidence intervals")

# Note that with superb(), there is no need to reformat
# into a wide format anymore:
superb( DV ~ age | Tree, Orange )