Exported FunctionsMain functions |
User Interface to get summary plot of any statistics with adjusted error bars. |
superb |
Generate random data |
summary plot of any statistics with adjusted error bars. |
Obtain summary statistics with correct error bars. |
superbToWide: Reshape long data frame to wide, suitable for superbPlot |
Decorating plotsFunctions to add further decorations to the plots |
Annotate significance of results on plots |
makes ggplots with transparent elements |
geom_superberrorbar for expanded error bar displays |
geom_flat_violin for expanded density displays |
PlotsBuilt-in templates for plots |
superbPlot 'bar' layout |
superbPlot 'point' layout |
superbPlot 'line' layout |
superbPlot 'lineBand' layout |
superbPlot point-and-jitter dots layout |
superbPlot point-and-jitter lines layout |
superbPlot point, jitter and violin plot layout |
superbPlot point and individual-line layout for within-subject design |
superbPlot 'raincloud' layout |
superbPlot 'halfwidthline' layout |
superbPlot 'boxplot' layout |
superbPlot 'corset' layout |
superbPlot 'circularpoint' layout |
superbPlot 'circularline' layout |
superbPlot 'circularlineBand' layout |
superbPlot 'circularpointjitter' layout |
superbPlot 'circularpointlinejitter' layout |
StatisticsSome statistics that can be plotted with superb |
Additional summary statistics |
Precision measures |
Confidence intervals with custom degree of freedom |
Measures with missing data |
Bootstrapped measures of precision |
TestsStatistical tests and inferential statistics |
Cousineau-Laurencelle's lambda correction for cluster-randomized sampling |
Hyunh and Feldt's epsilon measure of sphericity |
Mauchly's test of Sphericity |
Shrout and Fleiss intra-class correlation functions |
Welch's rectified degree of freedom |
Winer's test of compound symmetry |
TransformationsTransformation functions |
two-step transform for subject centering and bias correction |
subject-centering transform |
bias-correction transform |
pooled standard deviation transform |
DatasetsExamples of data sets |
Data for Figure 1 |
Data for Figure 2 |
Data for Figure 3 |
Data for Figure 4 |
Data of Tulving, Mandler, & Baumal, 1964 (reproduction of 2021) |
InternalsInternal functions |
runDebug |
logical functions for formulas |
Effect description |